Friday, May 8, 2009

Tagged! Top 8.

I was tagged by my dear friend Cindi. So here goes:

My 8 Favorite TV Shows:

1. The Amazing Race
2. So You Think You Can Dance
3. The Office
4. Medium
5. The Mentalist
6. Gossip Girl
7. Survivor
8. Grey's Anatomy

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Went to the movies by myself while
the house was being cleaned.
2. Went to the post office.
3. Took Emma to dance (did hair, make-up for pics)
4. Visited with Rachel for an hour.
5. Read a chapter of "Riding Freedom" with Emma.
6. Filled the car with gas.
7. Made taquitos for the kids for dinner.
8. Watched Survivor with the kids.

8 Favorite Restaurants:

1. Pizzeria 712
2. Cafe Rio
3. Happy Sumo
4. Bajio
5. Red Iguana
6. In-n-Out
7. Lone Star Taqueria
8. Communal (coming this fall!)

8 Things I'm looking forward to:

1. Family Reunion in Park City
2. Getting rid of "the pneumonia" for good
3. Emma's dance recital
4. Mother's Day
5. The new restaurant opening
6. Reading good books all summer
7. Farmer's market with the family
8. Turning 40 this summer!!

8 Things on my wish list:

1. A peaceful home
2. Dinner together frequently
3. More time with Joseph
4. A garden
5. A weed-free yard
6. A warm, not HOT, summer
7. A family trip to San Francisco
8. Energy to do it all!

8 People Tagged:

1. Betsy Santos
2. Steve Santos
3. Suzy Taggart
4. Ryan Taggart
5. Amanda Childs
6. Katie Barker
7. Terri Brown
8. Lindsay Young

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