Friday, July 31, 2009


I was bitten by one of these this week. I thought it was a mosquito bite, but it kept looking worse and worse everday. Finally this morning I went to the doctor and it seems I've been bitten by this:

It's a Hobo Spider. I don't know what is worse -- having a gross bite on my leg, or just knowing that at some point I had a spider crawling on me and I didn't know it!! Ewww!

My bite isn't near as disgusting as most of the bites I saw on-line, which is good, but the doctor is worried because my bite is sinking in and becoming dark in the center. This could mean my skin is dying and apparently there is no way to stop it. Fabulous!

I'll keep you posted. I won't post pictures though.
This is a family friendly blog, afterall.


Suzy said...

What! OMG...why did you not tell us on Thursday! I think I would be more grossed out by the fact that a spider was crawling on me at some point...keep us posted.

Steve said...

Holy smokes!!! Betsy would've freaked out! I am glad your ok!

Betsy said...

oh my GROSS.

Amanda said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I can't believe that! I remember seeing horid pictures of hobo spider bites b/c I saw one at our old house that sits right next to your house and I Googled it to see what I should be so scared about. That's when I got Spider Spray. Do they still come to you? I hope so. Watch out for those funnel webs! So crazy! How is it doing now?