Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Day in Pleasant View

Christmas morning:

It dumped BUCKETS of snow all day long. Brrrrr.....

For Emma the artist:

Sophie's new baby "Molly":

Jacob played it pretty cool all morning. Now that he's 10, he doesn't show the same excitement he used to... until...

The Wii Fit!!!!!! That's the reaction we were waiting for!

The prize for most unique gift definitely goes to mom with her "interesting" bracelet she got for me in Jamaica... (she thought it was a cute flower design)

Shocker! Joseph is sleeping!

Thanks Auntie Carole for the enormous Jug-o-Gumballs. (Can I send you the dentist bill?)

The evening ended with a ruthless game of Life. Sophie, Ryan and Suzy:

Jake, Bets & Steve:

Bets & Steve won with some outrageous amount like $3.2 million. Questionable considering Steve was banker.

This last photo cracks me up. If there was ever a question about who the pushover is that's always feeding the animals "people" food, here is your answer:


Suzy said...

That is the best pic of Dad and the the cat and dog!

Lance said...

I didn't see you wearing your new bracelet at church today.

Jen said...

I'll make sure and wear it next Sunday, just for you Katie!