Sunday, May 15, 2011

No need to call the fire department.

Apparently some people (mom... Suz...) are getting annoyed that I made this big statement about updating my blog weekly, then I didn't. Also, my mom told me last night that she particularly hated the picture that was on my blog every time she checked it (the movie poster for Rabbit Hole). So, since I haven't been taking pictures a whole lot and have just been working, I found something that Betsy & I cracked up over last month.

Betsy & Steve were here visiting with Charlie on Jacob's birthday last month and Bets made Jake a lovely cake. Jake hates cake, so really it was for us. I forgot my regular camera so I had to use my iphone for all his birthday pictures.

I give you Jake, Betsy & the flaming birthday cake...

And again...

Really it looked like this...

I guess the iphone has a little trouble with flames :)

1 comment:

Betsy said...

hahahahaha! that is totes hilare.